Guide Bar Stihl, 24'' (63 cm), for chain .063'', 3/8'', 84 DL
Qty 3. Chain for 25'' (71 cm) Guide Bar (.050'', 3/8'', 92 DL)
Qty 3. Chain for 24'' (63 cm) Guide Bar (.050'', 3/8'', 84 DL)
63cm bar for Husqvarna/other chainsaws.
3/8th Picco 1.3m drive link.
For use with our PMX ripping chains and other picco 3/8th chains.
Our Premium bars are thicker and stronger made from a solid single piece of steel.
63cm bar for Stihl chainsaws.
3/8th Picco 1.3m drive link.
For use with our PMX ripping chains and other picco 3/8th chains.
Our Premium bars are thicker and stronger made from a solid single piece of steel.
Guide Bar Stihl, 24'' (63 cm), for chain .050'', 3/8'', 84 DL
Chain for 24'' (63 cm) Guide Bar (.063'', 3/8'', 84 DL)
Chain for 24'' (63 cm) Guide Bar (.050'', 3/8'', 84 DL)