
Logosol mills are becoming more popular for arborists and tree workers because they can help provide an additional income stream for their businesses.

Our chainsaw and bandsaw mills can enable you to cost-effectively produce slabs, posts, rails, and boards; utilising trees and timber you have ready access to. Arborists can sell these through their established channels, or even sell the milled timber back to the tree owners. You may have noticed more people selling tree slabs on Gumtree these days, making a nice margin. Your opportunity is to make a great margin as your source material is very low cost or free. 


Logosol Chainsaw Mill

Our flagship M8 mill for easy milling of logs up to 60cm diameter and 5.2m long. Can be further extended. Max weight 1 ton.

The new F2 for economical milling, can manage logs up to 60cm diameter and 3.7m long. Can be further extended. Max weight 1 ton.

Timberjig is an easy to use $300 add-on to your chainsaw to enable simple milling.

Big Mill Basic and Big Mill Pro are ideal for milling larger logs, especially if they cannot be relocated or oversize/weight for the F2 or M8 mills.


Logosol Bandsaw Mills

B751 for small to mid-size logs up to 75cm diameter and 4.8m long. Can be further extended.

B1001 for small to large logs up to 1m diameter and 4.8m long. Can be further extended.


Our mills are made in Sweden and proven on Australian hardwoods and softwood for over a decade.

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